squad raas layers

Adjusted all SL Rifles to now show + Tracer on their HUD names. Optimized foliage by reducing the maximum number of non-visible foliage triangles allowed to be drawn at once. Fixed a minor issue with the name of the MIL Logistics Technical from Transport Pickup Truck to Logi Pickup Truck. Also a feature in v2.15 is improvements to FOB Deployables including new additions such as camouflage netting that will help conceal soldiers who are using the FOB for cover. Added a new map layer: Fallujah Seed v1 (USA vs MEA) New map layer for server seeding, which includes a single capture point in the Market with restriction zones. Fixed an issue with different projectiles having non-muffled vehicle impact sounds while inside the vehicle. Fixed the RUS MTLB VMK not spawning on Jensens Range v2. At ease, Offworld Industries Changelog Amphibious Gameplay and Water Interaction This update primarily showcases amphibious functionality Summary Join the marine forces in amphibious assaults from ships off the coast. It should be much easier to tell when getting hit by projectiles now when inside a vehicle. Fixed an issue with decorative stones causing issues with players crawling into the collisionless mesh by reducing the overall scale/size of these objects. For example lets take Mutaha. Removed Eye Adaptation from all layers to reduce exploits and allow for balanced gameplay in all areas. Chora RAAS v3 features old school F88 Rifles. Fixed some floating grass at grid F5-5-8. Fixed an issue where excessive landscape DFAO was applied to meshes intersecting the landscape, which manifested as a harsh line in the distance. Fixed a minor UI issue with the MIL MTLBM 6MB vehicle info card entry, the icon was inconsistent with the map icon (it was using APC rather than IFV). SquadMaps: All maps and layers in Squad. Added various types of additional cover to various central locations. I already made a thread about it here a few months ago and simply due to the fact that it got zero response from any member of the development team one can only assume that such behavior is actually officially condoned. Adjusted Al Basrah POI Druglord to now be named more accurately: Warlords Compound. And it accomplishes this. Adjusted the layout and tooltips of the Graphics Settings menu to improve clarity and user experience. This has increased both the visual quality and performance cost of particles. Fixed a minor issue with dirty toilet water seeping through the wall. Also updated is the Buddy Boost feature, with a focus on making it easier to use. V2.12s primary focus was on bringing improvements to Squads visuals, making for an all around better looking game, as well as adding new gameplay and tactical opportunities for our players based only on the higher quality visuals alone. Adjusted Sumari AAS v2 vehicle layout to not include APCs. Adjusted and replaced some ambient sounds. Added a new map layer: Sumari Seed v2 AUS vs RUS, clone of Sumari Seed v1. Fixed an issue with various buildings and foliage culling too quickly. No ticket gain from capturing flags (normally +60). If you encounter any map layers with this issue after this fix, we appreciate detailed player reports thru discord, forums, etc. Updated the map camera location on all Anvil gameplay map layers, its been raised up by 50m to avoid any exploitation of its location in finding enemy Radio/RP/footsteps while on deploy menu. Fixed vehicle spawner issues on Lashkar layers that would cause the incorrect vehicle to spawn at a given location. These are the 200 round box mags. Adjusted GB teams Squad Leader to now display as Section Leader for GB SL 01, SL 02, SL 03. Improved Distance Field Ambient Occlusion (DFAO) and enabled at all quality levels. This led to issues with flag distances and fairness, so it was changed to a lane system. Usage See Captain's video to find out how to work with our official deployment at squadlanes.com. Narva Destruction v1 Fixed USA not having enough vehicle spawners for all vehicles to spawn at start. Updated minimap with intent to make height more readable, also now features trees. As was noted earlier today we have discovered an exploit in Squad and while we believe we have it fixed in v2.12 there is a small chance that it might slightly delay the updates release. This effect simulates the dimming of ambient light in enclosed spaces like buildings and forests. Fixed a minor issue with the GB FV107 Reconnaissance vehicle using an inconsistent icon on the map screen versus the vehicle info card menu. Mention the demotion if you are no longer the FTL. If the player presses the fire button for a short period, the sound effect gives the impression that you fired more rounds than you did. Fixed a variety of foliage textures to help with brightness, saturation and some normals to prevent glowing foliage, due to materials with excessive subsurface brightness. Adjusted the USA Protection Zone on Kohat RAAS v2 so it no longer extends so far east of the USA main. Fixed a common Server crash related to SQMapMarkerManager. AAS . Adjusted Sumari Seed v1 map layer increased tickets to 300/300 (was 100/100), increased round timer to 4 hours (was 2 hours), decreased startup timer to 30sec (was 60sec), increased forward spawn expiration to 15min (was 10min), removed ticket gain from capturing a flag (was +20 tickets), increased the mercy bleed rate. Design Intention: This change is meant to make large fortified FOBs more viable in the face of mortars and Commander call-ins. The only vehicles which will still have damage from turret hits passed to their hull are those where the turret is an integral part of the hull (i.e. Keep RAAS the same but in a 7 random objectives map: Have first 2 objective already capped to your side and everyone focus on 3 mid objective. Note: autocannon are unchanged and still use a 50cm kill zone radius. New layers: Yehorivka RAAS v6 (USA vs RU), Yehorivka RAAS v7 (GB vs RU), CAF Yehorivka RAAS v3 (CAF vs RU), CAF Yehorivka RAAS v4 (CAF vs RU). Improved the way texture resolution scales down at distance. Fixed a minor gameplay issue with a blocking volume for the sewer that was slightly blocking the street above. Updated ragdoll ankles to be stiffer, to create a more realistic death but also to prevent soldier feet from twisting up in weird unrealistic ways. Adjusted the CAF Arid and Woodland team selection images to reflect the most up to date character and weapon models. Fixed an issue with tall buildings culling inapporpriately. Fixed a potential exploit with the vehicle repair tool that allowed for infinite vehicle repairs. Fixed a minor visual issue with the viewport texture on the RUS woodland BMP-2. Design Intention: This gives defending players the opportunity to deploy an elevated, protected position, which they can use as an observation and firing platform. Fixed an issue with the vehicle driver smoke generator, where the smoke was invisible to the driver. This light infantry focused faction has a Bullpup primary, and a unique Combat Engineer split to offer players expanded options on the field. These vehicles are equipped with a very fast velocity and flat trajectory weapon, and when combined with their high mobility, they can be used to devastating effect at long ranges. Fixed several buildings that were causing players to jump on because they were placed too high to walk up onto. The map was added into the game in the Alpha 14 (June 6, 2019) update. Their weakness is the lack of armor and the exposure of the driver/gunner to all forms of attack. This will be addressed in a future update. Fixed a minor visual issue of characters backpacks getting awkwardly crunched down in 3p by adjusting soldier prone pitch up and pitch down 3p poses. Fixed a sidewalk using an incorrect material. Gorodok Fixed various floating grass: grids F6-1-2, H4-1-4, F7-7-8, C12-8-3. Updated Character footstep SFX with new unique sounds for moving over various surfaces: rock, loose rock, gritty concrete, forest, gravel, dirt. Added a new map layer: Tallil Seed v2 (CAF vs RUS) a variant of Tallil Seed v1 with only two middle flags, that does not have any offensive vehicles, and also includes restriction zones. Low is now much lower, and High/Epic is much higher. V2.12 also features extensive overhauls to some existing maps with Yehorivka and Gorodok getting significant updates including lighting updates and new geographic features. Players may want to try adjusting their Shadows and Ambient Occlusion Graphics settings for this update. Updated the Anti-Tank rocket backblast visual effects to be longer lasting. Arrows will appear on the Capture Progress Bar to indicate how quickly the point is being captured or lost. Additionally, when leaving the UAV camera, they hear all of the local audio broadcasts at the same time, originating from the point where they were initially transmitted from even if the person doing the transmission has moved afterward. This often happens when numerous players are spawning in at the same time This will be addressed in a future update. It is the third update of the year (not counting Hotfixes). This also helps reduce the perceived smudgyness of anti-aliasing. This was a semi-rare issue where a two-step teleport sometimes occurred, seemingly out of nowhere. AAS v1. Fixed a minor issue with flowers clipping through stone walls at grid F6-5-4. Updated brick tower at grid O13-4-6, interior ladders have been removed. Fixed several issues with the industrial_office1_plain (a building used on multiple maps) structure. Updated the grass wind effect, replacing the old wind function with an updated version, which should emulate wind gusts and overall foliage weight much better. Local/Offline Bug with Scoped Emplacements: When playing offline on Jensens Range, if a player exits an Emplacement while looking through the scope, the Scope remains on the Players HUD until they get back in the Emplacement and then Scope out. Updated Terrain shadows to now render out to 8km. We felt that this was necessary to offset the lighting and foliage changes, which can make spotting enemies more difficult. Fixed an issue with large jitters happening in the Vehicle Commander Seats of IFVs and Tanks. This has been a difficult fix for us to track down, so far with the fix in place we have yet to reproduce this bug. Squad v2.15 will be released on Wednesday, April 13th at 19:00 UTC. Design Intention: This is intended to make deployables blend into the environment better, making them slightly harder to spot, especially from longer ranges and from the air. It takes hundreds if not thousands of hours to learn RAAS lanes but many players, myself included, know most common lanes offhand. Adjusted the rotation speed of open turrets and emplacements using keyboard and mouse input. Soldier stamina regeneration will be paused until these actions complete. It should no longer crash, but we will be monitoring client logs. The effect has been significantly optimized at all quality levels, which has allowed us to force it on for visual consistency. Adjusted all Technical SPG9 vehicle spawn times to now be 10min (some map layers previously had 5 or 6 minute spawn times). Local/Offline Bug with Vehicles: When playing offline on Jensens Range, Tracks, Wheels, and other components are not destructible while on the Jensens Range in Local play. Others can still hear them when they talk. Adjusted grass heights to create less excessively high grass. Fixed a minor issue with the Destruction game mode legends text not fitting on 16:9 aspect ratio without scrolling. Updated binoculars with new zoom in/ zoom out sounds. Fixed an issue on Gorodok RAAS v1, the minimap was not showing the map layers version number. Kokan Adjusted all Kokan map layers to remove the ability to become Commander. RAAS v04. Adjusted river grass and cattail foliage to better match the rest of the autumn look. Fixed a minor typo on Tallil RAAS v1 & Tallil Tanks v1, where the display name (in the server browser) had a double space. The effect now smoothly fades in and out. Fixed the issues with the backdrop mountains texture. The audio module for Squad is initialized at the game start. Improved Ambient Lighting: Converted the Skylight to work with HDRI skyboxes, and removed the old Ambient Cubemaps. Players who are experiencing issues after the update, be sure to go to Settings ->. Fixed a minor issue with a floating rock at grid D13-8-9. RAAS v10. Cooldown does not affect markers placed through the map. I put this together for a couple reasons, partially out of personal interest in how some of the stranger layers function but also because of how often I see newer players struggle with . Improved the visibility of muzzle flashes. . Fixed an issue with a static shovel floating at grid D7-8-5. Adjusted the text to be scrollable along with images for aspect ratios which require scrolling. Squad v2.15 continues Squads new release cadence, with our team working to provide more frequent updates as we move forward. . This camo netting is semi-transparent from one side, allowing the soldier manning the defenses to be much more concealed while still having good sightlines from inside the defensive position. Updated CAF TAPV Armored Cars woodland and desert texture with maple leaves for the syrup lovers. For more on the development and challenges we faced with this update see our pre-launch blog post (, As always please provide your feedback after playing Squads v2.12 Update on our forums (. Adjusted several CPs capture areas to better match the POI layouts. Vehicle Reset Feature does not currently work with Helicopters. Please note that the associated quality and performance tradeoffs have similarly changed. Updated the Manic-5 landscape, replacing the older landscape terrain shader with a new and improved shader which should offer a higher quality look. Fixed an issue with a tree growing in train tracks at grid G9-4-8. Fixed a minor issue on Logar Valley Insurgency v1 where the RUS Main Repair Station is crooked. In Vanilla Squad, RAAS have predefined lanes, and within these lanes there are clusters of points for each capture point (ie, 1st point will have xyz capture zones, 2nd point will have abc, etc. deployables to be placed intention is to disallow all deployables in the sewers. Fixed an issue with open holes in rock meshes at the waterfall grid H3-9-4. Design Intention: This is intended to make it harder to spot soldiers using deployables for cover. Fixed Ambient Occlusion artifacts on thousands of buildings, environment objects, and foliage assets. RAAS v11. Occasionally a player does not spawn at a Rally Point. Added 2 new Gorodok RAAS layers with re-configured CP routes for improved variability and less predictable routes: Gorodok RAAS v6 (USA vs RU), CAF Gorodok RAAS v3 (CAF vs USA). This achieved brighter highlights, deeper shadows, greater contrast, and more accurate colour. Squads v2.12 update also brings a host of additions, improvements, and changes to the games gameplay experience. Fixed an issue with CAF Manic-5 TC v1, which was incorrectly named TC v2. Fixed an issue with the Kohat Poppy fields flickering in a white/black color. Fixed a z-fighting column at the warehouse. Fixed an issue on Goose Bay AAS v1 with tilted helipads at the RUS main. Fixed a gameplay issue on Anvil RAAS v1 and RAAS v2, the MEA Main Base was missing ammo crates. The fix attempt. Fixed an issue with back blast VFX, where the bounding boxes were making these effects flicker off at certain angles. Now many of these faction setups will be displayed on individual lines, except for when a team has many of several vehicle types: IE Invasion layers with many Minsk bikes or Logis. We have completely reworked the games handling of dynamic shadows. It is the third update of the year (not counting Hotfixes). For certain Seeding layers (mentioned below) we added Restriction zones which are outside Main Base Protection zones. MEA Protection zones no-deploy zone was reduced from 150m to 80m. Extremely Low Res Textures Some players may be experiencing very low-res textures after the v2.0 release. Fixed a minor visual issue with some small visual holes in the mesh of the Middle East Urban Center static building. This is an inherent problem, and the solution is currently in long-term development. Potential Fix for the critical issue of vehicles occasionally missing their turrets at the round start. Fixed a potential FOB deployment exploit on the 2nd floor inside the Warehouse. more than 100 rounds if they respawn with an empty kit. RAAS v02. Adjusted the grass materials to better match the landscape. Fixed a minor issue with the INS Hab lacking bullet collision on the backfaces. Adjusted the volume for the vehicle engine disabled explosion sound, which should now be decreased in volume/intensity. We also added a Shaders Graphics Settings section which currently will primarily affect the complexity of the Landscape allowing lower-end hardware more performance options.

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squad raas layers