paul ferrell gormania wv

Yeah. These people are just I can't imagine they don't sleep. We've been in all the buildings. He was just one of those John Douglas and mine Hunter talks about the wannabe cop type is a serial killer archetype. They find it near a small burn area behind the mobile home now. I hope they do walk by him and say, Hey, Paul, you some bitch. If you haven't yet, give us five stars because it does help a lot. She's wearing this shit, five foot 10, which is tall, license plate tall for a girl. Four years old, and he was one of the founding members of the Washington Nationals, which was one of the first which was the first official baseball team in America, 20 years old. Some of them are like they're like 17 year old kids that work in a bookstore and they're like, oh, a doctor call. So it's possible that if they did respond, she might be able to offer anything. Obviously she's got a black blouse, black leather coat, black shoes carrying a pink handbag. However, this was a small part of a very long, complicated thing. First of all, they help a lot of people podcast. Let him out. Yeah. Walter Strickland. Wow. I found that. 1055 days on Zillow. Isn't going to exist one day. So he's being charged with arson, kidnapping and murder in the second degree. Yeah. She told prosecutors that she heard the screams and everything like that, screaming and gunshots. That's super weird, man. Race of this town. I heard him yell through the holler, I'm I'll kill you, Frank. February 18th, she saw the same man burning something out in the back of Paul Farrell's rented trailer, which it's not good. What do you want. Well, no fucking shit. Shekar is there a beach for West Virginia? And we don't need you to search there because there's cops there with evidence. So this is all lining up. This map displays projects that are currently underway, ones that are about to be started, and ones that have already been completed. Well, we'll get into it because if you can't help yourself, we have for you the ghahramani, a West Virginia real estate report. Yeah, it's a very bad used car. Pretty much, yeah. So thank you so much for everything you do for us, Jimmy. The story of the FBI involvement can be found at. She's very responsible and cared about her family and wasn't like a wasn't a flighty person that involved very he says, quote, We're still searching for her body, but we found nothing at all. And about three hours and forty minutes down to Leland, West Virginia, which was our last West Virginia episode, episode one sixty nine. Yeah, I don't think his badge was the thing that made him do this. So anyway, March 20th is when they arrest him. So phone Tristen. What's a pretty good one, I think. I didn't even look at him then, but before and after. Otherwise, it's difficult. I imagine it was very hard on him at the time, a "double whammy" to lose his girlfriend without a trace and also to discover that she was not faithful to him in their relationship. He's a he's a Grant County Sheriff's Deputy and he's Mr. all-American. Brother, drop your letters to Santa in the box. They make decent money because it's a crazy fucking job, obviously. Gizella Fleischer. This has been fun, I tell you what, maximum I could find a different one. Yeah, but a lot they can look that they look really close. Mr. Farrell's landlord also had not noticed any stain or odors. We're talking about populations of two hundred people or less in a town. Yeah. Weird. Her father is a Conrail freight yard worker who commutes from Wilmington, Delaware, on weekends to help run the restaurant. It's it's a mess here. She vanished after receiving a call from Paul. We're going to talk about Gorman here today and then directly across the border into Marilyn, because this is right on the Maryland border. That's what he's got. So what they end up doing is they end up looking inside the trailer and doing a little research. It's never going to happen. Sit back and shout, shut up and give me my hour. If it weren't for twins, they're only be sixty four people here. That's tough, especially when they talk about blood evidence, blood evidence at trial that revealed approximately 20 samples appeared to be blood stains taken from his home and Kathy Ford's vehicle were analyzed by the FBI, a serial forensic psychologist, which is the blood people testified that her analysis of these samples demonstrated that one contained human protein but could not be confirmed as containing blood. He's got a nice he's got an identical twin. This week in Ghahramani of West Virginia, a mysterious phone call leads a young woman to run out of the door and never return. I just needed to read it to me. Yeah. So she's pressing on hard core and everybody else is still searching and they're searching hard still now. I don't know that. They received 18 or 19 calls, but none of the callers offered specific information about the whereabouts, just rumors and innuendo and bullshit. It's just dead things. In addition, the cigarette butt found was the brand smoked by Kathy Ford. Just find a reason that it ain't your job. I'll tell you what, he is one hell of an average. He's probably calling whoever Paul Farrell had just started their obviously. So inside the trailer, they look because they're like, that's pretty close. Burning the whole thing. Yeah, Kitzmiller. That's the guy we're talking about. 2. So there's Guaman, Maryland, Ghahramani of West Virginia. This is later on. He said he was a magistrate at Mount Storm in Grant County, West Virginia. There's no way he did do it. When you tell them things to him, they just nod along because they think that you want them to not. They weren't so concerned. I like that. Her brother, you heard him say, I don't know what's going on around here. I remember your dick to me. I know that that's that's my grandfather's a twin and they are identical. So he knows them very well. It's still home with Dottie back. That's amazing. Find out that actually Roman Polanski at one point thought Bruce Lee killed Sharon Tate. That's not smart. No, James. That's what sounds like. Inside the trailer, they discover bloodstains on the floor, underneath newly laid carpet and on the walls underneath a brand new coat of paint. And Mr. Ford said he was one of only three Grant County deputies investigating the disappearance. So anyway this whole place the diner becomes the fine Kathee Center, this becomes Cathy is missing central headquarters for everybody is there. You missed paragraph two. They didn't notice that he that he commuted the sentence of Paul William Farrell here commuted it. Yeah. He means the fucking grill. That's a rule. White Water Weekend was centered around kayak and canoe races on the North Fork of the South Branch River and culminated each year with the April Fools race of quote, anything that floats, that's not a boat. Somebody from around there. Meanwhile, they all own the restaurant. Jois, that means that's like a large enough blood to seep. I need a few hundred people, I need a good weed dispensary nearby and I need a good slice of pizza and I need stuff, you know, stuff like that. But about about average compared to about the right amount compared to the amount under the national average in income. 615-595-XXXX. OK, now they asked him about calls, basically phone calls and shit like that. Yeah. I think this is one place and one place only gore for a our brother that's coming. So shut up and give me murder. Deputy and the sheriff. But not didn't definitely not enough for sure. Growl Emily Kee there's so many fucking this week. And then that's it. A blood stain on a paper towel taken from a trash bin. Gregory Klein. Journalist Martin Yant looked into the case and was able to locate two eyewitnesses who claimed to have seen Cathy alive over a year after she vanished. What is he what the fuck is he whacking to? Yeah, yeah. Used to be not like that. Hmm. They don't say what it is, ranging from bluegrass to country and classic rock to gospel with circus or magic acts for the young and young at heart. He loves it. It's the good trailer here. Have exact change. Yes, that's how it works. Name Born Age Birth Place Died; Buckbee Foster, Vauda [ Shields ] 07/23/1917: 91: Grant County, WV: 08/14/2008: Butts Evans, Maxine Virginia [ Manchester ] [ LeCompte ] So she that's what she got in Hebron. This is if you're from anywhere else in the world, you're like, what is happening. Having left the second time she drove her father's silver Bronco on route 50 and turned off at Bismarck Road, this was the last time she was ever seen. What are you doing? You knew that she was missing. Two hundred people are fucking crazy. Seems he looked outside. You told me it was fast and you pulled me over. He'd just walk as a German shepherd around town when he wasn't working the canine German shepherd for the police force. A posse is formed, which is you don't feel happens in the 80s. Zero point zero percent Jewish stuff that we're sure of. Oh damn it. We see them, they don't have cars, why are they walking, Miles? Thank you, everybody, so much for everything. So that's a pretty general. But there wasn't that kind of DNA. Corey McInerney just got a Ph.D.. Right. Some bitch can't even outrun you. Yeah, maybe. So he is one of three county officers investigating. They're thinking he knows how to handle a gun. The call simply prove elements essential to the kidnapping case, namely motive and intent, and also tend to show a common plan or scheme, right? Well, if any of you have a burning, missing girls car in your yard, call the cops and then you won't be, you fucking jackass. So they keep looking. Anita Martinez. Ferrell appealed his conviction, claiming: there was insufficient evidence that Cathy was in fact dead, the body language testimony should never have been used, and the jury was not properly instructed as to the quantity of blood found in the trailer with one Journalist commenting that pinpricks were made to sound like puddles by the prosecution. Yeah. I'm here with my co-host, Jimmy Listman. That's that's how crazy that says Patriota Dotcom. Let's do this friggin frigging thing is friggin thing. I didn't know. See Photos. When or when I think of a new place to look. They don't have no idea. Like they feel like they're not being told everything will be like. They put him on home confinement for two years while the case is reviewed. They have German even still even say they will have a German Shepherd type police dog. Yeah. Yeah. Who knows? Yeah, descriptors. And the guy deserved it. Oh, it's wild stuff. Yeah. This is two hundred and six stores. Yeah, yeah. As a harp, I try not to drink too. I have that book sitting on his shelf. Pretty pretty sure that's true. She says she'll be there at two o'clock, she'll be there at two o'clock, and she'll do her thing. Less of those, the less depressed and sad about their life. About from what I've seen from this blogger, they were saying that most of the markers are made out of wood are awesome. Oh my gosh. That's yeah. And so any evidence in there would have been burned to a crisp. Property crime is about one third of the national average, so two thirds under it. Oh, well, that's great. I have not talked to those people since the trial. You know what there is to steal, really. What are those fucking one of those pictures? He wants everybody to see him as very cop. There are so many things that go on around a crazy murder in rural West Virginia that are hilarious. He said that he knew her well and they had been intimate about a year before he met his girlfriend here. Like how is Chambal Jason a name. Some of the most damning evidence against Ferrell came from his neighbor Kim Nelson, who could see his trailer from her own trailer less then a hundred metres away. Yeah. It's really just different sexes. No Hispanic people. He would be BTK in. The Gorini, a post office, is the site where it goes down. See for privacy information. Yeah, he's super mad about that, Donna. George Alst and Susan ever have old what ever bold names. What's up with that? There were Election Day floods in these counties and forty seven people were killed. I felt that she's not too far from here, but we just don't know where. He said they met the FBI investigators to get an update on the case. And he's only been there for two months in the trailer. Paul Farrell could reach the spot where the Bronco was burned without going to a main road. Give me a ticket today. Yeah, Kim Nelson. Is this all you guys? Yeah. Yeah, that's what we do here. How the hell do you do that? That's about eight, nine days. James Davin. And it was him. Now, an undercover officer calls her later on in the and in the morning. And I was like, now, he said, quote, Initially, I was panicked. Yeah, there's been a few items of physical evidence that have been turned over to various labs, but since then, nothing major has been discovered. She's Daisy Duke. We have got one of the craziest things we've ever dealt with this week just in terms of this is like the quintessential small town murder story of I don't even want to I don't want to give anything away. Exact change for stamps. I've heard of 50 different things. He believes that she has been influenced by family and friends of Ferrell to try and recant her statement after the trial. She's way the fuck autofill. This should be easy to clear up if LE have done their job. I'm going to take kids apart, put together a whole new kid. But the problem is no one wants to stay unless you're an older person. They bring heat. It is. There's nothing else interesting. So she didn't meet him and he responded that he would have to get in touch with her at a later date. But he goes by Paul for some reason, 20 hit 10 years later is like, I really fucking blew that one up and I kind of got a lot of social media following, kind of helped help me. OK, well, we're going to have to go back a little bit in time to nineteen eighty eight. Right. Yeah, well, I already searched back. I can't do it. Of course, his handwriting obviously. I'm sorry, this is the the day before he's talking about. I've got to have twins a year out. The places that are there are full by. Everybody likes her. Josh Colar. Yeah. This is weird. No, no. He may have had some suspicions as to Catherine's friendship with Farrell, but dismissed those feelings on account of Farrell being in a relationship with someone else. And it's all spelled correctly in the God damn newspaper, West Virginia panhandle. Ferrell never told his Girlfriend about Cathy and she never told her Boyfriend about him. In my own opinion I believe that whether or not Paul Ferrel had anything to do with the Disappearance of Cathy Ford, the Prosecution failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt in the trial that he was Guilty and frankly failed to prove that she was even deceased. And from February 1st, nineteen eighty eight to February 17th, several young women in the area received strange phone calls in which a man purporting to be someone other than Paul Farrell never Paul directed them to the area near Mr. Farrell's trailer on Bismarck Road. I think that's what it is. So he's like because I used to bang her. He had no prior police record. And Kathy Ford answered real quickly there and started saying that she wanted to see me and that she seemed really upset. So Right. So fucking place man. They this left Grant County and Petersburgh searching for a new festival to take place of the Whitewater weekend. So you're saying he got caught the first time and that's that. Oh, my God. Really. He lives a good life. If you look it up, it's all that's a forefingers. Yeah, it's right in the middle there. Paul Ferrell Grant County, West Virginia Date of Alleged Crime: February 17, 1988. Chris Reisen. 399 S.E.2d 834 (W. Va. 1990) . Her family really depended on her. A good pageant. This is No. In 1992, the Grant County Chamber of Commerce sponsored the first Spring Mountain Festival in Petersburg City. The Governors Office stated: Ferrell's convictions "are not supported by the presence of the alleged victim's body, weapon, eyewitnesses, or physical evidence such as fingerprints, hair and fibers." That's not a measurement. The search the next day, go ahead and search around, but stay away from these areas. The unemployment rate here is about double the rest of the country as well. Back to that body still. Maybe violent crime, murder, rape, robbery and assault. Chris Arsala. Its cars aren't meant to be real flammable. Right. Right around the time they moved here, she met a young man named Darvin Moon, which is a darvin, an interesting name. He is like Mr. all-American. Hafize McCarren Wohlberg. Good way to learn. So not a lot. Christine would no last name. He said he was like a casual acquaintance, friend of my daughters, and they weren't the same age or anything. If you want to do that, then I found one. I would expect the evidence to have been properly handled and preserved since the FBI took a lead role (on the dubious grounds that Ford may have been kidnapped across state lines). Mike Boo Boo Boo Boo Boo T8. Wow. That's the main reason why you shouldn't be in jail. I want that. So I'm I'm sure it was a quick thing. Would anyone have any idea how i could find any news records abouth this? And as it's near the Stoney River, which is just where you want to put your trailer or the trout on a hill overlooking the Stoney River so you can kayak on down it. She seems to be a very on the ball type of person. She's got a cool broncho. You came and you interfered in the match, Jimmy West. So he lives in a rented trailer that he gets right around the time he gets the job. Jessica Kouda. 1055 days on Zillow. Just fucking hot dog and a beer. We're pavn half the road. The cost of living here is not not too bad to of course, it's not done properly. It doesn't include phone records. Similar phone calls that other women have received. Twenty one acres of woods. Antique Shops, Speciality & Gift Shops. He said Kimberly Sue Nelson of Mount Storm now says she was coerced by Maryland police officials to falsely testify. Better genetic testing now, the item was a blanket found in his vehicle in the police vehicle, the cruiser that allegedly had tiny stains of blood. Country madness, brother. That's West Virginia Misleader Peninsula laid out. But if you like the episode, please let us know about it. They're like jewelry. He's bringing up a statute. You knew that the truck was there. Oh, shit. It's right. And yeah, this is talking about hollers. This is up in the hills, by the way.

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paul ferrell gormania wv